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AI Tinkerers - Salt Lake City: Meetup III EVENT - RSVP

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 6:30PM

🥘 Back At It for 3rds! SLC Meetup 3/3

Our second even had content for every stage of builder. From a designer focused “AI for Everyone” demo 🎨, a student demoing an AI robot he helped build 🤖, a seasoned AI Pro…

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AI Tinkerers - Salt Lake City: Meetup Part Deux EVENT - RSVP

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023 6:30PM

🫵🦹‍♂️ We Want You! Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023

Our first event was a blast! It had double the amount of people we anticipated. The demos sparked new ideas, helped one builder get unstuck on their project, and kicked off designers, students, and…

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⚡️AI Tinkerers - Salt Lake City: Inaugural Meetup EVENT - RSVP

Tuesday, September 12th, 2023 6:30PM

Join Us in Lehi for Our Inaugural Meetup

Calling all AI builders from the slopes of silicon to the AI Tinkerers - Salt Lake City meetup! Participate by sharing an AI demo, work in progress, or lightning talk. Then mix and mingle…

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Contact AI Tinkerers - Salt Lake City